Rabbi Mark Kula

Shalom, I'm Rabbi Mark Kula.


Mark H. Kula is a distinguished Jewish leader with over thirty years experience as a Rabbi, Cantor, Jewish educator, spiritualist, and social activist. Rabbi Kula has served congregations in New York, Florida and Montana. His parents, Cantor Morton and Charlotte Kula z”l, and his five brothers and family members inspire him in his life’s calling.  He holds degrees from Columbia University, The Jewish Theological Seminary, New York City University and the Rabbinical Academy of New York.

A seasoned teacher, Kula conveys the wisdom of Judaism in a welcoming and enlightening manner. The spirituality of music plays a key role in Kula's Rabbinate and love of Torah. Kula's lyric baritone effectively inspires his listeners in prayer and concert. Rabbi Kula has earned distinction in education and innovative programming cultivating cultural, intellectual, and spiritual Judaism while building a greater sense of community. Rabbi Kula has developed Do It Yourself (DIY) programs empowering individuals to take charge of their Jewish lives. He places a high priority on fostering a caring Kehilla (community), offering pastoral care, valuing relationships, and being a mensch.  Rabbi Kula serves on numerous boards and is a member of OHALA,  and the Cantors Assembly. Rabbi Kula's role as a Spiritual Guide involves leadership in community activities, connecting to Israel, facilitating Tikkun Olam, raising awareness of social justice, and enlightening students of all ages about Jewish wisdom. Mark is married to Dr. Coreen Duffy,  Asisstant Professor, Director of Choral Activities at University of Montana, School of Music. They are proud parents of Charlotte (7) and Asher (4). Rabbi Kula thanks God every day for the blessings of Judaism and life.